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16oz Colombian Swiss Water Decaf

16oz Colombian Swiss Water Decaf


Colombian Swiss Water Decaf coffee is the perfect choice for decaf drinkers who want a full-bodied, flavorful,rich cup of coffee without the caffeine. With flavor notes of nutty and sweet decaf with 99.9% of its caffeine removed by the way of the  Swiss Water decaffeination method.


Huila region of Colombia grows, the region's farmers and producers (around 300,000) continue to work hard to produce true high quality Colombian coffee beans. Coffee from this region is known for its rich flavor and balanced body. This amazing flavor, is selected by Colombian coffee beans that are decaffeinated using the chemical-free Swiss Water Process.

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Brandon Erving-OWNER-CEO

TEL: 850-345-2535/

  Minneola, FL 34715

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